If you remember your order of operations from grade school, this should be easy! The second box the computer terminal gives you an equation to solve (6_2)_8_9_1=13. The terminal asks you to choose which of these has an error and the correct choice is "C". The first box gives you the choices of A) feb, B) dce, C) eba, D) fac, E) fdc, F) acd. In Freedon Nadd's tomb there are two rooms containing boxes which may only be opened by a computer terminal. Submitted by: gman391 Free The Nadd's Tomb She will not forfeit in spite of that, meaning that you can't actually win the duel, but by doing so you'll activate a conversational path that ends with "I did this to teach you, not to humiliate you - that was merely a bonus." You'll receive Darkside points as your reward.

If you think you can do this and come up with ways to make Carth stop complaining, let's do this! Question 1 Revan's canonical gender is.During your first duel with the handmaiden, bring her HP to zero. Today, you'll be tasked with seeing how well you remember the original Star Wars: Knights of the Old Republic and while there will be spoilers for this game, we'll try to limit spoilers for the second game (as in no major plot twists). Where's the ambition? Where's the desire for something different?Īnd no, the player actually being Revan isn't something different. As you'll see in this quiz, the original and unique moments are outweighed by callbacks and a desire to tell the same story we've already seen a million times. Some of you will argue I'm being a nostalgic critic without being a guy in glasses, but Knights of the Old Republic is just another cliche Star Wars story.

evil in the same ineffective way the prequels did. With KOTOR, all the game does is rip off iconic moments from other works and presents good vs. Traveling back in time 4,000 years before the original trilogy to do a somewhat-original story of good, evil, and Jolee Bindo? I'm all for that.īut, is KOTOR one of the series' best games? At the time of its July 2003 release, maybe, but now? It's hard for me to defend KOTOR when its sequel, even with all of the infamous cut content, does everything from gameplay to tone better.

I won't sit and lie to you: Star Wars: Knights of the Old Republic is one of the series' most popular, groundbreaking, and even bold works. Let's push Bastila into the trash compactor! What greater weapon is there than to turn an enemy to your cause? To use their own knowledge against them?